Anyone who showed up on your gratitude inventory should probably go on your just because greeting card list. 任何出现在你感谢清单中的人,也许都应该收到你心血来潮的贺卡。
Daily inventory storage goods account, card, whether conform to, stock once a month quantity and quality changes, if they exceed the valid storage period of products. 每日清查贮存品帐、卡、物是否相符,每月盘点一次数量和质量变化情况,是否超过有效存放期产品。
Inventory policies are specified throughout the network, performance measures such as order fill-rate at each site in the network, end-customer service levels, and the inventory cost in the network can be analyzed by using queuing theory and production authorization card control mechanism. 整个物流网络中的各个节点可以采用不同的库存策略.绩效评价指标,如每个节点的订单履行率、最终客户的服务水平和网络中的库存成本用排队论和生产授权卡控制机制分析。
This requires design and implementation of inventory control card automatically calculate the algorithm. 为此需要设计并实现库存控制卡的自动计算的算法。